1500 HUF

* Until the 21st of the given month, the subscription starts on the first day of the following month.

The Mezőgazdasági Technika periodical is Hungary's only scientific quality agricultural technical-development and trade professional journal. The magazine reports on the innovations of mechanisation and machine operation, the latest research and development results, domestic and foreign exhibitions, machine demonstrations, the innovative activities of agricultural machine manufacturers and traders, technical innovations in the world, major technical and economic issues concerning entrepreneurs, the events of mechanisation-related organizations, the current issues of agricultural mechanic training, etc. The journal's domestic relations (and thus its readership) consists of institutes involved in agricultural technical research and development, machine manufacturers, integrators, machine distributors, as well as a wide range of entrepreneurs and primary producers.

ITEM NO B056520000300000
Category Agriculture
Format 12 times a year
Short description Hungary's only scientific quality agricultural professional journal.