Cars, motorcycles, Sports, Leisure
The world's latest car news and innovations: market trends and factory information on new models.
6 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 12 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
10770 HUF
Sport, leisure, programs
Crossword puzzles
6 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 12 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
2370 HUF
Autósport és Formula Magazin is Hungary's professional journal dealing with automotive sports.
Sports,Automotive,Automotive sports
4 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 12 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
5080 HUF
Sport, leisure, programs
Crossword puzzles
8 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 12 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
5840 HUF
( 920 HUF
Sport, leisure, programs
Crossword puzzles
13 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 12 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
7995 HUF
Crossword puzzles
8 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 12 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
5960 HUF
Everything you want to know about cars, in an informative and entertaining way - the magazine for car buyers and enthusiasts.
12 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 6 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
11100 HUF
( 300 HUF
A family-oriented listings guide and entertainment magazine with thematic programme guides.
TV guide
- Determination of subscription period: 1 month
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
2160 HUF
Apart from the reviews, it has something to offer for everyone, including recipes and crosswords.
TV guide
- Determination of subscription period: 1 month
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
1640 HUF
HÓCIPŐ - satirical bi-weekly paper
2 weekly
- Determination of subscription period: 3 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
4995 HUF
A monthly crossword puzzle magazine for those looking for plus one type crossword puzzles.
Crossword puzzles
13 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 12 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
6760 HUF
( 780 HUF
Provides a glimpse into the listings of the next two weeks at a highly favourable price.
TV guide
2 weekly
- Determination of subscription period: 3 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
2595 HUF
Presents handmade items with detailed step-by-step instructions and templates.
12 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 3 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
3375 HUF
Easy to read, large print crosswords.
Crossword puzzles
4 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 12 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
5180 HUF
Trend Skandi contains 30 well-known quality Scandinavian crossword puzzles.
Crossword puzzles
2 weekly
- Determination of subscription period: 12 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
12300 HUF
Its wide-ranging coverage touches on all subjects related to cars and motors.
12 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 12 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
13200 HUF
Detailed and substantial radio and TV guide with valuable and useful listings.
TV guide
2 weekly
- Determination of subscription period: 3 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
2985 HUF
Devotes to hunting culture, wildlife management practices and the public life of the hunting scene.
12 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 6 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
10020 HUF
The magazine of the Hungarian Hunters' National Association for hunters and other nature-lovers.
12 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 6 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
4170 HUF
A monthly magazine of crossword puzzles for those who love logical challenges.
Crossword puzzles
13 times a year
- Determination of subscription period: 12 months
- Delivery area: Domestic
- Delivery service: Base
10075 HUF