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2014 is the Year of the Horse in the Chinese zodiac, which Magyar Posta is celebrating on a miniature sheet.


715 HUF

It is an established practice of Magyar Posta to periodically present the breeds and species of animals indigenous to Hungary on new stamps.


875 HUF

It is an established practice of Magyar Posta to periodically present the breeds and species of animals indigenous to Hungary on new stamps.


1330 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative miniature sheet entitled Animal Cubs featuring twelve young residents of the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden.


1655 HUF

It is an established practice of Magyar Posta to periodically present the breeds and species of animals indigenous to Hungary on new stamps.

special stamp serie

1055 HUF

2014 is the Year of the Horse in the Chinese zodiac, which Magyar Posta is celebrating on a miniature sheet.

miniature sheet

440 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative miniature sheet entitled Animal Cubs featuring twelve young residents of the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden.

miniature sheet

1380 HUF

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