Each year the members of the Association of European Postal Operators (PostEurop) issue stamps on a common theme to emphasise both the importance of philately and the cooperation o...
Miniature sheet
1340 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a promotional definitive stamp with a label called "Renewed Letter Delivery Service".
promotional definitive stamp
270 HUF
Magyar Posta is continuing its series on Hungarian rock classics by presenting the band P.Mobil.
souvenir sheet
1050 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a unique special souvenir sheet to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of the world-famous escapologist Harry Houdini.
souvenir sheet
1270 HUF
Magyar Posta is honouring the largest sports event in the world, the Summer Olympic Games, being held for the 32nd time, with a stamp issue. Fifty thousand copies of the numbered ...
souvenir sheet
780 HUF
Magyar Posta is celebrating the largest domestic festival for stamp collectors, Stamp Day, which this year is being held in the Stefania Palace in Budapest between 3 and 5 November...
special stamp
500 HUF
Magyar Posta is marking the quincentenary of the Tripartitum by issuing a commemorative miniature sheet containing four stamps.
commemorative miniature sheet
1320 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp to mark the hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War. The main motif of the stamp is a mounted officer's medal gro...
commemorative stamp
440 HUF
Magyar Posta is celebrating Christmas with a regular stamp issue.
regular stamp
145 HUF
The Danube Commission has had its seat in Budapest for 60 years. Magyar Posta is commemorating this anniversary with an overprint of the stamp block Danube Bridges originally issue...
overprinted the stamp block
300 HUF
The House of Parliament in Budapest ranks among the world’s most beautiful public buildings.
miniature sheet
1600 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp to mark the bicentenary of the birth of Ábrahám Ganz (1814-1867), a pioneer of Hungarian industry.
commemorative stamp
200 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a special stamp to mark the European Women’s Handball Championship, which is being jointly organised by Hungary and Croatia.
special stamp
145 HUF
Magyar Posta continues issuing its series of definitive stamps on postal history, which began in 2017.
definitive stamp
1020 HUF
Magyar Posta continues issuing its series of definitive stamps on postal history, which began in 2017.
definitive stamp
1180 HUF
Magyar Posta continues the issue of its series of definitive stamps on postal history, which began in 2017. In 2020 six denominations are appearing.
definitive stamp
800 HUF
Magyar Posta and Post Luxembourg are issuing a joint commemorative souvenir sheet to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two co...
souvenir sheet
2110 HUF
Magyar Posta is commemorating the centenary of the birth of the Hungarian writer, songwriter, dramaturge, playwright, EMeRTon Prize-winner and Artist of Merit Iván Szenes by issuin...
890 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp to mark the 900th anniversary of the foundation of the Premonstratensian Order.
commemorative stamp
500 HUF