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Magyar Posta is commemorating the bicentenary of the birth of Ignác Semmelweis by issuing a special stamp.


690 HUF

The Budapest Water Summit 2019 is being held for the third time between 15 and 17 October 2019, in relation to which Magyar Posta is issuing a souvenir sheet, as it has done previo...


675 HUF

Magyar Posta welcomes the World Water Summit to be held in Budapest by issuing a special miniature sheet of postage stamps


675 HUF

Magyar Posta is releasing a special stamp to draw attention to the importance of blood donation.


965 HUF

The Budapest Water Summit 2019 is being held for the third time between 15 and 17 October 2019, in relation to which Magyar Posta is issuing a souvenir sheet, as it has done previo...

souvenir sheet

400 HUF

Magyar Posta is commemorating the bicentenary of the birth of Ignác Semmelweis by issuing a special stamp.

special stamp

415 HUF

Magyar Posta welcomes the World Water Summit to be held in Budapest by issuing a special miniature sheet of postage stamps

Special Small Stamp Sheet

400 HUF

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