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Magyar Posta is issuing a special miniature sheet in honour of Planet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and Summit to be held in Budapest.
775 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a special stamp in honour of the Driving European Championship for Four in Hand to be held in Budapest. Fifty thousand copies of the stamp designed by the g...
720 HUF
Magyar Posta is marking the Benyovszky Memorial Year by issuing a promotional personalised stamp to commemorate the achievements of Count Maurice Benyovszky.
545 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a set of two special stamps with different denominations and a numbered souvenir sheet with a surcharge to mark the 94th Stamp Day
620 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a set of two special stamps with different denominations and a numbered souvenir sheet with a surcharge to mark the 94th Stamp Day
775 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a special stamp to mark the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of Europe in 2021. Fifty thousand copies of the stamp designed by the graphic artist Attila ...
845 HUF
Magyar Posta is commemorating 150 years of stamp production in Hungary by issuing a special souvenir sheet. The souvenir sheet, its special editions and the stamp set were produced...
2175 HUF
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