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Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp in honour of the 450th anniversary of the proclamation of the Act on Religious Freedom adopted by the Diet of Torda in 1568.
commemorative stamp
450 HUF
Magyar Posta continues its series of stamps on the theme of Hungarian saints and blesseds.
3990 HUF
Magyar Posta continues its series of stamps on the theme of Hungarian saints and blesseds.
875 HUF
The Croatian and Hungarian Postal Companies are jointly issuing a block of stamps on the same subject, but with different graphic designs under the title “The Robe of Saint Ladisla...
commemorative sheet
1016 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp in honour of the 450th anniversary of the proclamation of the Act on Religious Freedom adopted by the Diet of Torda in 1568.
725 HUF
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