
Magyar Posta is issuing special souvenir sheets to mark holding the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest.


4990 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a thematic personalised stamp to mark the 20th Temafila Stamp Exhibition. Nine thousand one hundred copies of the stamp with a label designed by the graphic...

thematic personalised stamp

330 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a thematic personalised stamp to mark the 15th Elgyűsz Stamp Exhibition. Nine thousand one hundred copies of the stamp with a label designed by the graphic ...

thematic personalised stamp

330 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a special stamp in honour of the Driving European Championship for Four in Hand to be held in Budapest. Fifty thousand copies of the stamp designed by the g...

special stamp

445 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a special miniature sheet in honour of Planet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and Summit to be held in Budapest.

miniature sheet

500 HUF

Every year the member countries of PostEurop vote to choose the subject to appear on all their EUROPA stamps to be released that year.

miniature sheet

600 HUF

Magyar Posta is commemorating the centenary of the birth of the poet János Pilinszky by issuing a special stamp.


485 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a numbered special souvenir sheet and a stamp set of eight stamps to mark the “One with Nature” World of Hunting and Nature Exhibition.

souvenir sheet

1500 HUF

thematic sets

1455 HUF

The venue for the 85th Stamp Day to be held in Kalocsa from 6-8 July 2012 was the town’s Catholic Primary and Secondary School of Our Lady.

special stamp serie

210 HUF

Éva Csepregi, an outstanding figure of Hungarian pop music, has celebrated her 70th birthday in 2023 and will give a lifetime achievement concert at Budapest’s Papp László Sport Ar...


605 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp in honour of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the well-known microbiologist and chemist Louis Pasteur. The


935 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a special stamp to mark the 20th Football World Cup. In the centre of the graphic composition of the stamp, there is a football referring to the sport and B...


420 HUF

Imperforated, black serial numbers

special commemorative sheet

2032 HUF