
Through the cooperation of Magyar Posta Zrt. and the International Judo Federation, on 21 August 2011 two different souvenir sheets are being released to commemorate the anniversar...

commemorative sheet

813 HUF

Magyar Posta is marking the 20th anniversary of the Republic of Azerbaijan regaining its independence by issuing a real philatelic speciality.

commemorative sheet

1016 HUF

In the picture within the commemorative sheet there is a portrait of Gábor Talmácsi.

commemorative sheet

1016 HUF

On 13 April 2012 Magyar Posta issued a special stamp block in commemoration of the Titanic and dr. Árpád Lengyel, surgeon of the British steamship Carpathia, which was the first on...

black print

2032 HUF

Moths and butterflies IV (1974), Moths and butterflies V (1984)

thematic sets

635 HUF

Every year the member countries of PostEurop vote to choose the subject to appear on all their EUROPA stamps to be released that year.

miniature sheet

600 HUF

357394 HUF

In keeping with its traditions, Magyar Posta presents the characteristic fauna of Hungary each year on a stamp block and set of stamps. The new 2011 stamps depict butterflies and m...

Special stamp serie

810 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a numbered special souvenir sheet on the theme Cartoon and Fairy Tale Characters using the characters of the cartoon Kukori and Kotkoda, the creation of the...

souvenir sheet

600 HUF

725 HUF

The 110-year old chambers of the Parliament on the latest stamp specialty of Magyar Posta.

special miniature sheet (embossing, lacquer decoration, exclusive holder)

3200 HUF

5,000 copies were made of the set, which contains a special edition numbered from 1 to 5,000 and a similarly numbered philatelic monochrome edition.


4100 HUF

91607 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a self-adhesive definitive stamp marked Domestic as the indication of value in standard and special editions for sending seasonal greetings at Christmas in ...

self-adhesive postage stamp

255 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a souvenir sheet to mark the 10th anniversary of the Fundamental Law of Hungary entering into force.


8890 HUF