Magyar Posta is marking the events of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture by issuing a stamp.
2435 HUF
For sending seasonal greetings in 2023, Magyar Posta is issuing a self-adhesive definitive stamp marked Domestic as the indication of value in standard and special editions.
545 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a promotional personalised stamp to celebrate Visegrád, known as a royal seat for 700 years.
530 HUF
Magyar Posta presents Saint Stephen’s Hall on a special souvenir sheet.
1775 HUF
Éva Csepregi, an outstanding figure of Hungarian pop music, has celebrated her 70th birthday in 2023 and will give a lifetime achievement concert at Budapest’s Papp László Sport Ar...
625 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a pair of special stamps with different denominations and a numbered souvenir sheet with a surcharge to mark the 96th Stamp Day.
1125 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp to honour the 250th anniversary of the birth of the poet Mihály Csokonai Vitéz.
820 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a pair of special stamps with different denominations and a numbered souvenir sheet with a surcharge to mark the 96th Stamp Day.
700 HUF
Magyar Posta is marking the two railway history anniversaries of 2024 with the issue of a commemorative miniature sheet.
1735 HUF
Éva Csepregi, an outstanding figure of Hungarian pop music, has celebrated her 70th birthday in 2023 and will give a lifetime achievement concert at Budapest’s Papp László Sport Ar...
625 HUF
Magyar Posta, in cooperation with the Hungarian Batthyány Foundation, is honouring the memory of the Blessed László Batthyány-Strattmann by issuing a commemorative stamp.
505 HUF
Magyar Posta is releasing a new issue to commemorate the 220th anniversary of the birth of Ferenc Deák.
1675 HUF
Each year the members of the Association of European Postal Operators (PostEurop) issue stamps on a common theme, which in 2024 is underwater fauna & flora.
4495 HUF
Each year the members of the Association of European Postal Operators (PostEurop) issue stamps on a common theme to present the identical values of their states.
3775 HUF
Magyar Posta is marking the events of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture by issuing a stamp.
1525 HUF
Magyar Posta is releasing a special stamp to draw attention to the importance of blood donation.
965 HUF
For sending seasonal greetings in 2024, Magyar Posta is issuing a self-adhesive definitive stamp marked Domestic as the indication of value in standard and special editions.
545 HUF
Magyar Posta is issuing a new definitive stamp in the series Postal History.
545 HUF
Magyar Posta and Thailand Post are issuing a joint commemorative souvenir sheet to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hungary and T...
2275 HUF
In 2024 Magyar Posta is issuing a For Youth miniature sheet entitled Hungarian Hunting Dog Breeds.
1345 HUF