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The compilation contains postage stamps, miniature sheets and stamp blocks, while the thematic album gives a brief overview in three languages of the history of Hungary through sta...

thematic album

5990 HUF

The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia are commemorating the 450th anniversary of the birth of Jan Jessenius by issuing a joint stamp with a label.

commemorative card

2090 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp in remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust. The design of the stamp remembers the victims and symbolically conveys the message of ...

commemorative stamp

375 HUF

Magyar Posta is marking the quincentenary of the Tripartitum by issuing a commemorative miniature sheet containing four stamps.

commemorative miniature sheet

1320 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp to mark the hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War. The main motif of the stamp is a mounted officer's medal gro...

commemorative stamp

440 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp block to mark the repatriation of the Sevso treasure.

Stamp set

10000 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp block to mark the repatriation of the Sevso treasure.

commemorative stamp block

3000 HUF

Magyar Posta is celebrating the 225th anniversary of the birth of István Széchenyi by issuing a commemorative stamp.

commemorative stamp

225 HUF

Hungary and Turkey are commemorating the 450th anniversary of the Siege of Szigetvár by issuing a joint stamp.

special stampblock

600 HUF

Magyar Posta commemorates the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight by issuing a special stamp block.

special stampblock

800 HUF

In memory of the GULAG-PUPVI victims

Special stamp

360 HUF

Magyar Posta continues its series of stamps on the theme of Hungarian saints and blesseds.

special stamp block

600 HUF

Hungary and Croatia are commemorating the 450th anniversary of the Siege of Szigetvár by issuing a joint stamp.

special stampblock

600 HUF

With the aim of presenting garments of various epochs, the Magyar Posta is launching a new special series of miniature sheet of postage stamps entitled The History of Garments.

miniature sheet

1000 HUF

Magyar Posta continues its series of stamps on the theme of Hungarian saints and blesseds.


3990 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a definitive stamp with a label to mark the Saint Ladislaus Memorial Year

definitive stamp with a label

255 HUF

Magyar Posta is commemorating the Roma heroes of 1956 by issuing a special miniature sheet. Fifty thousand copies of the miniature sheet designed by the graphic artist Attila André...

miniature sheet

1000 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp in honour of the 450th anniversary of the proclamation of the Act on Religious Freedom adopted by the Diet of Torda in 1568.

commemorative stamp

450 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative souvenir sheet in remembrance of the battleship SMS Saint Stephen (Szent István in Hungarian).

souvenir sheet

800 HUF

Magyar Posta is honouring the heroes of World War I by issuing a special souvenir sheet.

special souvenir sheet

600 HUF

The Sevso treasure is one of the most important finds of late Roman silver. Magyar Posta issued a stamp of the first seven pieces of the treasure in 2014.

stamp set

10000 HUF

Magyar Posta is continuing its stamp series History of Clothing by presenting two 18th-century outfits.

miniature sheet

1200 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a special two-denomination set of stamps and a souvenir sheet with a surcharge to celebrate the 92nd Stamp Day.


280 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a special stamp to mark the 500th anniversary of Magellan reaching the Pacific Ocean.

special stamp

405 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a special two-denomination set of stamps and a souvenir sheet with a surcharge to celebrate the 92nd Stamp Day.

souvenir sheet

500 HUF

The Hungarian government has announced a memorial year to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the 1989-90 change of regime entitled 30 Years of Freedom and, in honour of this, Magyar...

miniature sheet

720 HUF

Magyar Posta is honouring the poet, military commander, politician and military scientist Miklós Zrínyi on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of his birth by issuing a commemora...

special stamp

390 HUF

For the centenary of the Peace Treaty of Trianon, the Hungarian Government has declared 2020 the Year of National Cohesion.

imperforated souvenir sheet

1000 HUF

For the centenary of the Peace Treaty of Trianon, the Hungarian Government has declared 2020 the Year of National Cohesion.

souvenir sheet, standard edition

1000 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp to mark the hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War. The main motif of the stamp is a mounted officer's medal gro...

commemorative stamp

715 HUF

Magyar Posta is celebrating the 225th anniversary of the birth of István Széchenyi by issuing a commemorative stamp.


500 HUF

Magyar Posta continues its series of stamps on the theme of Hungarian saints and blesseds.


875 HUF

Hungary and Turkey are commemorating the 450th anniversary of the Siege of Szigetvár by issuing a joint stamp.


875 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp in remembrance of the victims of the GULAG-GUPVI.


635 HUF

Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia and Ukraine are commemorating the tercentenary of the birth of Maria Theresa by issuing a joint commemorative stamp block.


770 HUF

With the aim of presenting garments of various epochs, the Magyar Posta is launching a new special series of miniature sheet of postage stamps entitled The History of Garments.


775 HUF

Magyar Posta commemorates the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight by issuing a special stamp block.


1075 HUF

Magyar Posta is commemorating the Roma heroes of 1956 by issuing a special miniature sheet. Fifty thousand copies of the miniature sheet designed by the graphic artist Attila André...


1275 HUF

Hungary and Croatia are commemorating the 450th anniversary of the Siege of Szigetvár by issuing a joint stamp.


875 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative stamp in honour of the 450th anniversary of the proclamation of the Act on Religious Freedom adopted by the Diet of Torda in 1568.


725 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a commemorative souvenir sheet in remembrance of the battleship SMS Saint Stephen (Szent István in Hungarian).


1075 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing the next release in the Palaces and Castles series commenced in 2017 under the title Castles in Hungary.


1235 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a special two-denomination set of stamps and a souvenir sheet with a surcharge to celebrate the 92nd Stamp Day.


555 HUF

Magyar Posta is honouring the heroes of World War I by issuing a special souvenir sheet.


875 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a special two-denomination set of stamps and a souvenir sheet with a surcharge to celebrate the 92nd Stamp Day.


775 HUF

Magyar Posta is continuing its stamp series History of Clothing by presenting two 18th-century outfits.


875 HUF

The Hungarian government has announced a memorial year to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the 1989-90 change of regime entitled 30 Years of Freedom and, in honour of this, Magyar...


995 HUF

Magyar Posta is honouring the poet, military commander, politician and military scientist Miklós Zrínyi on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of his birth by issuing a commemora...


665 HUF

For the centenary of the Peace Treaty of Trianon, the Hungarian Government has declared 2020 the Year of National Cohesion.


1275 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing a special stamp to mark the 500th anniversary of Magellan reaching the Pacific Ocean.


680 HUF

Magyar Posta is issuing the next release in the Palaces and Castles series commenced in 2017 under the title Castles in Hungary.

miniature sheet

960 HUF

The Croatian and Hungarian Postal Companies are jointly issuing a block of stamps on the same subject, but with different graphic designs under the title “The Robe of Saint Ladisla...

commemorative sheet

1016 HUF

Magyar Posta is marking the 20th anniversary of the Republic of Azerbaijan regaining its independence by issuing a real philatelic speciality.

commemorative sheet

1016 HUF

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